Alison Whelan
Ely North
Alison is a County and District Councillor for Ely North. She first became a City of Ely Councillor in 2014, a District Councillor in 2019 and a County Councillor in 2021.
County Council
- Chair of Pension Fund Committee
- Chair of Pension Fund Investment Sub Committee
- Audit & Accounts Committee
- Strategy, Resources and Performance Committee
- Adults & Health Committee (substitute)
- Hghways & Transport (substitute)
District Council
- Finance & Assets Committee - Liberal Democrat Lead Member
- Licensing Committee
- Finance & Assets (Ethical Governance) Sub-Committee
Alison is lives in Ely and is married with a daughter who is a paramedic. She is a qualified accountant and chartered tax advisor. Diversity is an important area to Alison and she was a founder member of Ely Pride.